In a shocking case of revenge porn, Eleanor Brown, a 24-year-old woman from Leeds, has been sentenced to three years in prison for posting sexual images of her father’s former lover on an escort website. The vindictive act, described by the judge as “utterly unapologetic” and devoid of remorse, has left the victim feeling violated and fearful.
A Grudge Held Since Childhood
The court heard how Brown had harbored a deep-seated grudge against the victim since she was a child, stemming from her father’s short-lived affair with the woman in 2012. Both Brown’s father and the victim were police officers at the time, and while the affair ended, the resentment lingered.
Offensive Messages and Fake Profiles
A decade later, when Brown noticed that the victim’s husband had started a business, she began her campaign of harassment. She posted offensive messages on his Facebook page, calling his wife a “home-wrecking slag” and a “tramp”. But Brown didn’t stop there.
She then sent the husband intimate photographs of his wife before creating a fake “kinky copper” profile on an escorting and sex services website, featuring the sexual images. The court heard how Brown had “conspired” with her sister and mother, also ex-police officers, to create the profile.
“I’m finding it difficult to believe a woman would do that to another woman.”
– The victim, in her personal statement
Bombarded with Texts and Calls
The webpage included the mobile number of the victim’s husband, who was then bombarded with texts and calls after it went live. In her personal statement, the victim said she felt “sickened” that the images were posted publicly for the sexual gratification of strangers, and that she was “fearful” of what Brown was capable of.
Lack of Remorse “Staggering”
Judge Menary, who presided over the case, described Brown’s attitude as “utterly, utterly unapologetic” and “totally devoid of any moral compass”. He said her “lack of remorse was staggering” and that this was one of the most “egregious and vindictive” aspects of the case.
“To describe me as feeling violated would be an understatement.”
– The victim, expressing her trauma
Brown pleaded guilty halfway through her trial to two counts of disclosing private images, but only after the victim and her husband had already given evidence. The judge said this was the “ultimate act of brinkmanship” and a “very serious aggravating feature”, denying Brown any credit for her guilty pleas.
The Devastating Impact of Revenge Porn
This case highlights the devastating impact that revenge porn can have on victims. The non-consensual sharing of intimate images is a severe violation of privacy that can cause immense distress, humiliation, and psychological harm. It’s a form of sexual abuse that often targets women and can have long-lasting effects on their mental health, relationships, and professional lives.
Revenge porn is a criminal offense in many jurisdictions, including the UK, where it carries a maximum sentence of two years. However, cases like Brown’s demonstrate the need for even stronger laws and penalties to deter perpetrators and protect victims.
“Wherever she goes, her photos will remain and follow her.”
– Eleanor Brown’s threat to the victim’s daughter
Moreover, this case underscores the importance of education and awareness around online safety, privacy, and consent. Many people, especially young adults, may not fully understand the consequences of sharing intimate images or the potential for those images to be misused.
Schools, parents, and communities have a responsibility to teach digital literacy and healthy relationship skills, emphasizing the importance of respect, boundaries, and consent in online interactions. Only by fostering a culture of online ethics and accountability can we hope to prevent more cases like Eleanor Brown’s from occurring.
As the victim in this case bravely shared her story, she shed light on a pervasive issue that affects countless individuals. Her courage in speaking out and seeking justice serves as an inspiration to other survivors of revenge porn and sexual abuse. It’s a reminder that no one should have to suffer in silence, and that perpetrators, no matter their background or motives, must be held accountable for their actions.
While the three-year sentence handed down to Eleanor Brown may bring some solace to the victim, the road to healing is long and arduous. Society must continue to support and believe survivors, working together to create safer online spaces and a world free from sexual violence and harassment.