In a captivating turn of events, England finds itself in the midst of a folkloric renaissance as a major new survey delves into the nation’s cultural tapestry. Sixty years after the landmark Survey of Language and Folklore, academics are once again hitting the road, this time armed with modern research methods, to uncover the hidden gems and surprises that shape English identity in the post-Brexit, post-pandemic era.
Reviving the Spirit of ’64
Back in 1964, two intrepid researchers, John Widdowson and Paul Smith, embarked on an epic journey in their trusty red Mini. Their mission? To gather the threads of English folklore, one town hall and Women’s Institute meeting at a time. Armed with stacks of questionnaires, they posed a deceptively simple query: “What do you know to be true?”
The responses, now safely archived at Sheffield University, weave a fascinating patchwork of beliefs, superstitions, and local legends. From warnings against bringing hawthorn blossoms into the house to spine-chilling tales of ghostly encounters, the survey captured the essence of England’s folkloric soul.
A Fresh Perspective for a New Era
Fast forward to 2024, and the National Folklore Survey, spearheaded by the Centre for Contemporary Legend at Sheffield Hallam University, is breathing new life into this venerable tradition. Backed by substantial government funding, the project aims to paint a vivid portrait of folklore’s role in shaping England’s social, cultural, and spiritual identity in the wake of Brexit and the pandemic.
“Folklore is the social glue that holds us together,” asserts project leader David Clarke. “We can disagree on politics, fight the culture wars, but traditions, customs, and stories passed down bring people together.”
The survey will cast a wide net, polling nearly 3,000 individuals from diverse backgrounds to gain a more representative sample than its 1964 predecessor. From the tales of Robin Hood to local haunted houses and UFO hotspots, no stone will be left unturned in the quest to understand the nation’s folkloric tapestry.
Folklore in the Digital Age
In an age dominated by technology and digital distractions, one might assume that folklore would fade into obscurity. However, the opposite appears to be true. As Clarke observes, “Technology and mobile phones create a kind of disenchantment in people’s lives, and I think they’ve started to realize that. The revival of interest in folklore is a wonderful thing, and long may it continue.”
This resurgence is exemplified by the popularity of programs like Charlie Cooper’s BBC series Myth Country, which explores the nation’s legends and traditions with infectious enthusiasm. From cheese-rolling competitions to straw bear festivals, England’s folkloric landscape is as vibrant and varied as ever.
Redefining English Identity
As the National Folklore Survey delves into the heart of England’s cultural heritage, it aims to address complex questions surrounding national identity and colonial attitudes. In a post-Brexit world, where the nation’s sense of self is under scrutiny, folklore may hold the key to understanding the ties that bind.
“The English have something of a conflicted sense of identity,” notes historian David Olusoga. “Folklore is the social glue that holds us together.”
By casting a wide net and embracing the diversity of England’s folkloric traditions, the survey seeks to paint a more inclusive picture of the nation’s cultural landscape. From the centuries-old customs of rural villages to the vibrant celebrations of urban communities, such as the Notting Hill Carnival, folklore serves as a unifying force in an increasingly fractured society.
A Treasure Trove Awaits
As the National Folklore Survey team sets out on their quest, the nation waits with bated breath to discover the hidden gems and surprises that lurk within England’s cultural tapestry. Will new legends emerge to capture the imagination of future generations? Will long-forgotten traditions find new life in the digital age?
One thing is certain: the survey’s findings will provide a fascinating glimpse into the heart and soul of England, a nation whose identity is inextricably linked to the stories, customs, and beliefs passed down through the generations. As the threads of folklore are woven together once more, England may just discover a renewed sense of self in the post-Brexit, post-pandemic world.
“The English have something of a conflicted sense of identity,” notes historian David Olusoga. “Folklore is the social glue that holds us together.”
By casting a wide net and embracing the diversity of England’s folkloric traditions, the survey seeks to paint a more inclusive picture of the nation’s cultural landscape. From the centuries-old customs of rural villages to the vibrant celebrations of urban communities, such as the Notting Hill Carnival, folklore serves as a unifying force in an increasingly fractured society.
A Treasure Trove Awaits
As the National Folklore Survey team sets out on their quest, the nation waits with bated breath to discover the hidden gems and surprises that lurk within England’s cultural tapestry. Will new legends emerge to capture the imagination of future generations? Will long-forgotten traditions find new life in the digital age?
One thing is certain: the survey’s findings will provide a fascinating glimpse into the heart and soul of England, a nation whose identity is inextricably linked to the stories, customs, and beliefs passed down through the generations. As the threads of folklore are woven together once more, England may just discover a renewed sense of self in the post-Brexit, post-pandemic world.