In an electrifying fusion of video game music and professional wrestling, renowned Final Fantasy composer Masayoshi Soken has created a stunning new entrance theme for AEW star Kenny Omega. The powerful composition, which debuted during Omega’s triumphant return at Wrestle Dynasty in January 2025, marks an exciting crossover between two entertainment juggernauts.
The Maestro Behind the Music
Masayoshi Soken boasts an illustrious career spanning over two decades in the video game industry. As a sound designer and composer at Square Enix, he has crafted unforgettable scores for some of gaming’s most iconic franchises, including:
- Final Fantasy XIV – The critically acclaimed MMORPG, for which Soken composed hundreds of tracks
- Drakengard series – A dark fantasy RPG with haunting melodies
- Mario Hoops 3-on-3 – A lively sports spinoff featuring Nintendo’s beloved characters
Soken’s work on Final Fantasy XIV’s expansions, particularly Shadowbringers, earned him widespread praise and even a prestigious Golden Reel nomination. With such an impressive repertoire, it’s no wonder that his unique style caught the attention of the wrestling world.
A Lifelong Wrestling Devotee
Beyond his musical prowess, Soken is a passionate wrestling fan who has followed the sport since childhood. Growing up in Japan, he would eagerly tune in to matches during dinnertime, immersing himself in the epic storylines and larger-than-life personalities. As Soken explains:
“There’s a story behind each wrestler, regardless of whether they win or lose… The more I research on those different backgrounds, [the more] I am amazed at professional wrestlers.”
– Masayoshi Soken
This deep appreciation for the artistry and dedication of wrestlers inspired Soken to channel his own talents into crafting an entrance theme worthy of a superstar like Kenny Omega.
Crafting an Omega-Sized Theme
When approaching the composition for Omega’s theme, Soken had two key goals in mind: capturing the grandeur of the wrestler’s highly anticipated return and evoking the excitement of the live audience. He envisioned the track accompanying Omega’s dramatic entrance into the iconic Tokyo Dome, building to a climax as the crowd chanted along.
The resulting masterpiece begins with a powerful choral segment reminiscent of Soken’s work on Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers and Final Fantasy XVI. The soaring vocals symbolize Omega rising from the ashes of adversity, much like the resilient Phoenix of Final Fantasy lore.
As the theme progresses, it incorporates elements from Soken’s beloved Omega battle themes in the Final Fantasy series, paying homage to both the composer’s legacy and Omega’s own wrestling moniker. The infectious chant of “O! ME! GA!” in the latter half of the track invites fans to join in the celebration of their returning hero.
A Harmonious Partnership
The collaboration between Masayoshi Soken and Kenny Omega came as a welcome surprise to fans of both artists. Omega himself is an avid Final Fantasy fan, having previously incorporated elements from Final Fantasy VII into his wrestling persona. The mutual respect and shared passions of these two creators have yielded an entrance theme that resonates with audiences on multiple levels.
As Kenny Omega continues his triumphant run in AEW, accompanied by Masayoshi Soken’s electrifying composition, this unlikely partnership stands as a testament to the power of music, storytelling, and the enduring magic of human creativity across different mediums. For Soken, it’s a dream come true to contribute to the wrestling world he has loved for so long:
“It would make me so happy if I could take part in sharing Kenny’s life as a wrestler as well as his future with his fans alongside this music.”
– Masayoshi Soken
With this stunning entrance theme, Masayoshi Soken has not only celebrated the incredible journey of one of wrestling’s biggest stars but also bridged the gap between two forms of entertainment that have captivated audiences for generations. As the worlds of video games and sports entertainment continue to intertwine, collaborations like this open up exciting new possibilities for artists and fans alike.