
Exposing the Flawed Pseudoscience Behind Trump and Musk’s Genetic Obsession

In a troubling development, the misuse of genetic science has reared its ugly head once again on the global stage. US President Donald Trump and billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk, two of the most powerful men in the world, have repeatedly expressed a dangerous obsession with genetics that has experts deeply concerned. Their simplistic views, rooted in the long-debunked notion of genetic determinism, not only ignore the incredible complexity of human biology but also provide fodder for racist ideologies and far-right violence.

The Menacing Revival of Genetic Determinism

At the heart of Trump and Musk’s rhetoric lies the seductive but profoundly flawed idea that our genes are the “master molecule” that defines who we are and what we can achieve. Trump, with his talk of “racehorse theory” and genetically-driven superiority, echoes the language of white supremacists. Musk, meanwhile, has expressed a messiah complex about “saving humanity” through his offspring, as if the fate of our species depends on his DNA.

While their views might be laughable in their absurdity, the fact that two such prominent figures are spouting genetic determinism is no laughing matter. As geneticist Adam Rutherford warns:

The ubiquity of rhetoric that conflates DNA and identity risks propping up some insidious ideas. This is the language Musk and Trump thrive on, making exclusionary policies look like rational decisions grounded in science.

The Complex Reality of Nature and Nurture

Legitimate genetic science has long moved beyond the false dichotomy of “nature versus nurture.” The emerging picture is far more nuanced and multifaceted. As experts point out:

  • Genes require a conducive environment to be expressed
  • The effects of nature and nurture are inextricably intertwined
  • Social factors play an enormous role in shaping individuals

Genetic counselor Jonathan Roberts puts it in stark terms: “Humans are born with genes that require a good environment to thrive. It’s not either/or, but a complex interaction between the two that determines who someone becomes.”

Genetics as a Weapon of Hate

Perhaps the most chilling aspect of Trump and Musk’s genetic rhetoric is how seamlessly it plays into the hands of racist extremists. In recent years, multiple perpetrators of racially-motivated violence, such as the Buffalo shooter in 2022, have invoked bastardized interpretations of genetic science to justify their horrific acts.

The far-right is actively monitoring genetics research, ready to pounce on and twist any findings that can be weaponized for their hateful agenda. Rutherford notes how terms like “survival of the fittest” have been co-opted and corrupted:

In wider culture, the idea has taken on a life of its own, whereby “fittest” is just a synonym for “best”, or “strongest” – the phrase is often deployed to give bigoted ideas a scientific veneer.

Confronting the Distortion of Science

In the face of such blatant and dangerous distortions of their field, scientists in genetics and related disciplines increasingly recognize the urgent need to fight back. More researchers are proactively discussing strategies to prevent their work from being hijacked by extremists, and organizations are developing resources to help distinguish legitimate science from hateful propaganda masquerading as such.

At the same time, experts are sounding the alarm about how genetic determinism undermines support for progressive policies aimed at rectifying social inequalities and injustices. If people are led to believe that their lot in life is predetermined by their genes, why bother investing in education, healthcare, or poverty alleviation?

The distorted fatalism of genetic determinism is perhaps best encapsulated by Musk’s own words:

I don’t think we should try to have people live for a really long time. That would cause asphyxiation of society because the truth is, most people don’t change their minds. They just die. So if they don’t die, we will be stuck with old ideas and society wouldn’t advance.

– Elon Musk

Against such bleak and misanthropic views, science offers a resounding rebuttal. Our genetic heritage is just one part of the immensely complex web of factors that make us who we are. By confronting the flawed pseudoscience peddled by the likes of Trump and Musk, we can reaffirm the importance of creating a society and environment in which all people, regardless of genetic background, can thrive and reach their fullest potential.