In a shocking turn of events that has left Bollywood reeling, beloved actor Saif Ali Khan is recovering in intensive care after a brutal stabbing attack by a home intruder. The assailant entered the Mumbai penthouse apartment Khan shares with his wife, fellow superstar Kareena Kapoor, in the early morning hours on Thursday.
According to police reports, the intruder was able to bypass security and enter the home with the help of a staff member, likely with the intent to commit theft. Another employee sounded the alarm upon discovering the break-in, but not before a violent confrontation between Khan and the assailant ensued.
Shocking Extent of Injuries
Medical officials have revealed the harrowing extent of Khan’s injuries, which include:
- Six stab wounds, primarily to his back
- A knife lodged in his spine that required delicate surgery to remove
- Lacerations on his neck and hands sustained during the struggle
Dr. Nitin Dange, the neurosurgeon who operated on Khan at Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital, called it a “delicate operation” to repair the spinal damage and prevent further complications. He stated:
“We successfully removed the foreign object and repaired the spinal damage to prevent further complications.”
– Dr. Nitin Dange, Neurosurgeon at Lilavati Hospital
Despite the severity of his wounds, Khan’s representatives have assured fans that he is now “out of danger” and on the mend. Hospital officials anticipate moving him out of intensive care within the next few days as his condition stabilizes.
“Bollywood Royalty” Under Attack
The attack on Khan and Kapoor, often referred to as “Bollywood royalty,” has sent shockwaves through the Indian film industry and beyond. The power couple are both from illustrious acting families and have enjoyed immense popularity for their work in romantic comedies, action films, and even streaming series like Netflix’s Sacred Games.
Fans and well-wishers have been gathering outside Lilavati Hospital to hold vigil and pray for Khan’s speedy recovery. Many expressed disbelief that such a violent crime could occur in the heavily secured building where many Bollywood stars reside.
Police are still searching for the attacker, who managed to flee the scene after staff cornered him in a room. They believe the assailant had inside help to enter the private apartment and bypass CCTV systems. The suspect remains at large as the investigation continues.
Industry Rallies Around Beloved Star
As news of the attack spread, Bollywood stars and industry figures have rallied around Khan and his family. Social media has been flooded with messages of support, with many expressing their shock and prayers for his full recovery.
Director Farah Khan, who has worked with Saif Ali Khan on several films, tweeted:
“I’m in disbelief. Saif is not just a brilliant actor but a wonderful human being. He doesn’t have an enemy in the world. My heart goes out to him and Kareena. I pray he makes a full recovery soon.”
– Farah Khan, Director
Khan, who recently wrapped filming on Devara: Part 1, was set to begin promotions for the action film in the coming weeks. Production company Dharma Productions released a statement wishing him a speedy recovery and stating they would adjust promotional plans to give him time to heal with his family.
As Saif Ali Khan begins his recuperation under the care of top medical professionals, the entire nation remains gripped by this shocking attack on one of its most beloved stars. The road ahead may be long, but with the prayers and support of his millions of fans, Khan’s recovery will no doubt be as graceful and resilient as the characters he portrays on screen.