
Australia’s Deadly Roads: Surging Fatalities Raise Alarm

Australia’s roads are becoming increasingly deadly, with a surge in fatalities marking a disturbing trend not seen since the 1960s, before seatbelts were even compulsory. The grim figures, released by the federal government, reveal that 1,300 lives were lost on the nation’s roads in 2024 – the highest toll in 12 years. Even more alarming is the sharp rise in pedestrian and cyclist deaths, sparking urgent calls for action to stem the carnage.

A Deadly Year on the Roads

The sobering statistics paint a bleak picture of road safety in Australia. The 1,300 deaths recorded in 2024 mark an 18.5% jump from 2021 levels, when a 10-year national plan was launched to halve the road toll. Instead of progressing towards that goal, fatalities have trended in the opposite direction at an alarming pace.

The final months of 2024 were especially brutal, with 359 lives lost in the last quarter alone – sealing the year’s status as the deadliest since 2012. But it’s not just the overall numbers that are cause for concern. A closer look at the data reveals some disturbing patterns.

Pedestrians and Cyclists at Greater Risk

While driver and passenger fatalities saw modest declines, it was a different story for society’s most vulnerable road users. Deaths among pedestrians rose 7.1% to 167 in 2024, while cyclist fatalities spiked 11.8% to reach 38. It was also the worst year for motorcyclists since 1989, with 278 riders losing their lives – a 10.3% increase from 2023.

These figures are a tragic reminder of just how dangerous our roads are becoming, especially for those not protected by the shell of a car. Urgent action is needed to better protect pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists who are bearing the brunt of this escalating crisis.

– Road safety advocate Michelle Bradley

States Struggle to Stem the Carnage

The road toll rose in most states and territories, with Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory posting some of the largest increases. Even in states that saw modest declines, progress is well off the pace needed to meet the 2030 targets of the National Road Safety Strategy.

  • Queensland deaths rose from 277 to 302
  • Western Australia fatalities climbed from 158 to 185
  • Northern Territory toll nearly doubled from 31 to 58

The lack of progress in reducing the toll has safety advocates and researchers searching for answers. Potential factors being examined include:

  • Deteriorating road quality and inappropriate speed limits on rural roads
  • Impatient, risky driving habits developed during pandemic lockdowns
  • The inherent dangers posed by the nation’s growing SUV fleet

Push for Greater Transparency and Accountability

With the causes still unclear, the Australian Automobile Association (AAA) is demanding transparency and accountability around how road funding is allocated. They want a requirement for states to provide standardized safety assessments of roads before receiving any federal funding for upgrades.

This critical data must be embedded into the road funding process so investment can be prioritized to our most dangerous roads. Transparency will save lives and ensure road funding goes to fixing killer highways, not pork-barrelling in marginal electorates.

– Michael Bradley, AAA Managing Director

With the 2024 figures confirming the deadly road safety crisis is only intensifying, the need for action grows more urgent by the day. From better protecting vulnerable road users to targeting funding where it’s needed most, reversing the tragic trend will require a concerted and committed effort from all levels of government. Until then, Australia’s roads will remain some of the most dangerous in the developed world.