
Feline Flier: Cat’s Unexpected 24-Hour Journey Between NZ and Australia

In an astonishing tale of feline frequent flying, a Maine Coon cat named Mittens accidentally embarked on a whirlwind 24-hour journey involving three separate trips between New Zealand and Australia after being overlooked in an airplane cargo hold. The eight-year-old cat was meant to travel one-way with her family as they relocated from Christchurch, New Zealand to their new home in Melbourne, Australia on January 13th.

However, a series of mishaps led to Mittens’ unexpected adventure at 30,000 feet. Upon landing in Melbourne, Mittens’ owner Margo Neas waited at the airport for three hours anticipating the arrival of her beloved pet from the plane’s freight area. As time ticked by with still no sign of Mittens, ground staff delivered the shocking news—the plane had already returned to New Zealand, with the wayward cat still nestled inside its cargo hold.

“I said, how can this happen? How can this happen? Oh my God,” a distraught Neas recounted of the moment she learned her cat was jetting back across the Tasman Sea.

Pilot Turns Up the Heat for Surprise Feline Passenger

Upon discovering the furry stowaway mid-flight, the quick-thinking Air New Zealand pilot ensured Mittens’ comfort by turning up the heat in the airplane’s cargo area. The unscheduled return trip added another seven and a half hours to the cat’s burgeoning travel itinerary.

Neas eventually learned the likely cause of the cat calamity—Mittens’ travel crate had been obscured behind a stowed wheelchair, leading baggage handlers to miss the precious cargo upon unloading. The oversight set off a chain reaction that left the Neas family feeling incomplete as they attempted to settle into their new Australian life.

“It was not a great start to our new life in Melbourne because we didn’t have the family, we weren’t complete,” lamented Neas.

Reunited and It Feels So Good

Mercifully for both Mittens and her worried family, this chaotic tale of planes, pilots, and one adventurous pussycat reached its conclusion when the hired pet transport company retrieved the weary feline upon her third landing in Christchurch. They ensured Mittens was successfully boarded onto yet another flight bound for Melbourne.

Although a bit lighter than when she began her unplanned Australia to New Zealand round trips, Mittens arrived no worse for wear and bounded straight into the arms of Neas for a tearful, cuddly reunion. Neas described the sheer relief of embracing her furry family member after the past 24 hours of turmoil.

“She basically just ran into my arms and just snuggled up in here and just did the biggest cuddles of all time,” shared Neas. “It was just such a relief.”

Airline Apologizes, Vows Policy Review

An Air New Zealand spokesperson apologized for the distress caused to both Mittens and the Neas clan, pledging to fully reimburse all costs incurred during the cat’s unscheduled itinerary alterations. The company also committed to scrutinizing their animal freight protocols to prevent similar snafus in the future.

“We’ll work closely with our ground handler in Melbourne to ensure this doesn’t happen again,” assured airline spokesperson Alisha Armstrong.

Feline Flier Becomes Cuddly, Captivating Celebrity

In a heartwarming twist, Neas reports that the usually aloof Mittens has become downright doting following her dramatic extended travel experience. The fickle feline is now lavishing her family with an uncharacteristic display of affection, seemingly determined to make up for lost cuddle time.

“The cat gets as much attention as she wants right now because we’re just so absolutely and utterly relieved to have her back,” affirmed Neas.

The incredible tale of Mittens’ misadventures spread swiftly online, with netizens dubbing the cat “the accidental jetsetter” and marveling at her resilience in the face of such an unexpected and chaotic journey. Mittens has arguably secured her status as the most famous feline to journey between the two island nations in recent memory.

This story serves as a potent reminder for all pet owners embarking on air travel with their cherished animal companions. Always personally ensure your pet has been loaded and unloaded from any aircraft. Outfit your pet’s travel crate with highly visible signage, double check that airline staff are aware of your pet’s presence, and microchip your pet for added peace of mind in the event of unexpected separation.

While Mittens’ tale had a joyous conclusion, her 24 hours as an unintentional Australia to New Zealand back and forth frequent flyer underscores the need for vigilance and preparation when transporting our furry family members by air. For the Neas family and their plucky pussycat, their unforgettable introduction to life in Australia will be eternally etched in their memories as a heart-stopping start to their new chapter down under—no doubt sparking countless retellings that will entertain and alarm for years to come.