In a heartbreaking revelation, beloved Neighbours star Ian Smith, best known for his role as Harold Bishop, has announced he has been diagnosed with a terminal form of lung cancer. The 86-year-old actor shared the news in an emotional interview with Channel 10, stating that doctors expect him to succumb to the aggressive disease.
A Devastating Diagnosis
Smith, who has been a fixture on the long-running Australian soap opera since 1987, revealed that he was diagnosed with pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma a few months ago. This rare and aggressive form of lung cancer is considered non-fixable, leaving the actor with limited treatment options.
“I found out a few months back that I have cancer. That I have a very aggressive non-fixable cancer and they expect me to … they expect me to die,” Smith shared in the emotional interview.
Pioneering Immunotherapy Treatment
Despite the grim prognosis, Smith is not giving up without a fight. He revealed that he has undergone three rounds of immunotherapy, a relatively new cancer treatment that aims to boost the body’s natural defenses to fight the disease.
“I’ve really put my hand up to be a guinea pig. Plus the fact I don’t want to die and I want to stay alive with quality for as long as I can,” Smith explained.
The actor acknowledged that while the treatment offers hope, he is also realistic about the challenges ahead. He shared that he wakes up every morning hoping there’s no pain, knowing that its presence would signal the beginning of the “bad part.”
A Legacy on Neighbours
Smith’s portrayal of Harold Bishop has been a beloved part of Neighbours for over three decades. He first appeared on the show in 1987 as a love interest for Madge Mitchell, played by Anne Charleston. Over the years, his character has been woven in and out of the show’s storylines, with Smith having five separate stints on the program.
His most recent return to Neighbours came earlier this year, with the show announcing in May that “the legendary Harold Bishop is returning to Erinsborough.” Fans were thrilled to see Smith back in the opening titles, cementing his place as one of the show’s most enduring and beloved characters.
A Bittersweet Farewell
With his cancer diagnosis, Smith’s time on Neighbours has come to an end. The actor reportedly farewelled the show surrounded by his co-stars, with scenes written to explain his character’s departure.
“It isn’t just my last day on Neighbours, it’s my last day of work. I’ve had the most privileged life …. we didn’t just make a soap, we made the best bloody soap there was to make. I have met the most beautiful people,” Smith reflected.
As he faces an uncertain future, Smith’s legacy on Neighbours is secure. His portrayal of Harold Bishop has brought joy, laughter, and tears to millions of viewers over the years, cementing his place in the hearts of fans around the world.
An Outpouring of Love and Support
News of Smith’s cancer diagnosis has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry and the Neighbours fan community. Tributes and messages of support have poured in for the beloved actor, with many expressing their admiration for his talent, kindness, and resilience in the face of such a difficult diagnosis.
Colleagues and fans alike have taken to social media to share their memories of working with Smith and the impact his portrayal of Harold Bishop has had on their lives. The outpouring of love and support is a testament to the indelible mark he has left on the show and the hearts of viewers around the world.
A Lasting Impact
As Smith navigates this challenging chapter in his life, his contributions to Neighbours and the entertainment industry as a whole will not be forgotten. His talent, dedication, and warmth have made him a beloved figure both on and off-screen, and his impact will continue to be felt long after he takes his final bow.
For fans of Neighbours, Smith’s portrayal of Harold Bishop will forever be etched in their memories. His character’s journey – from the early days of his romance with Madge to his most recent return to Erinsborough – has been a cornerstone of the show, and his absence will be deeply felt.
As the Neighbours community rallies around Smith during this difficult time, his legacy as one of the show’s most iconic and beloved characters is secure. His talent, his humor, and his heart will continue to inspire and entertain audiences for generations to come.